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All Saints' Ministries

All Saints hosts a wide variety of ministries in which members can participate as they walk with Christ.  Nothing in a church happens on its own, and our ministries are the opportunity for everyone to apply their God-given gifts towards the shaping of our worship and our community.  

Service Ministries


Altar and Flower Guilds

Our Altar Guild and Flower Guild work together closely to prepare the church for worship. They beautify our space, and change out all of the various articles in the church in keeping with the liturgical season.


Ushers stand in the narthex, greeting and offering bulletins to everyone as they enter. They guide parishioners to the rail for communion, and pass around the plate during the offertory. Most importantly, they are the first point of contact for anyone visiting on Sunday, warmly extending the welcoming hand of community and fellowship to all.


Service Volunteers

This encompasses all of the various participatory roles available for members of the congregation in our services. Readers and Intercessors share with the congregation the scripture and the Prayers of the People respectively, while Lay Eucharistic Ministers assist the priest in worship throughout the service, especially with the Eucharist.

Audio/Video Operators

Our audio/visual technicians operate our livestreaming service, a crucial ministry in a post-Covid world. They adjust the camera throughout the service, ensuring viewers at home can catch all the action, and manage the audio levels for both the stream and for the in-person room speakers.


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Office Hours:

Tuesday - Thursday: 9 AM - 1 PM

(916) 455-0643

2076 Sutterville Rd, Sacramento, CA 95822, USA

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