We Return To The Garden This Sunday!
With Portia presiding for these next two Sundays (the 17th and 24th), our 8 am service will once again be hosted in our community garden. You can also look forward to a sermon this Sunday from our own Tynan Brooks. Save the Date! Portia's Altarside Chat Returns September 24th
Now that a little time has passed, Portia will be hosting another of her "altarside chats" in a few weeks' time, on Sunday September 24th. These informal discussion sessions allow the congregation to be brought up to date on the various goings-on of All Saints, and to ask Portia any questions they might have about our continued process of calling our next rector. They will take place right in the pews, directly following both the 8 and 10 AM services.
Join Our September Water Drive!
The Daughters of the King have received a request from Loaves and Fishes for a donation of 16 oz bottles of water. So, our water drive begins Sept 1st and lasts through Sept 30th. Donations of water bottles or money are gratefully accepted. Money can be given to Ingrid McCord and the bottles can be put in the basket in the narthex. The thirsty will be very grateful. We will also give some to our own food closet to help cover the neighborhood. With Gratitude, The Daughters of the King Give to All Saints and Reduce Taxes On Your Required Minimum Distributions
If you or a relative are of the age (currently age 73) to have started the Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from your IRA, you can eliminate or reduce taxes on these distributions by donating all or a portion of your RMD directly to All Saints as a Qualified Charitable Deduction (QCD). QCDs allow you to exclude an IRA (QCDs cannot be made from SEP-IRAs) distribution that is paid directly to a charitable organization (up to $100,000) from your gross income for federal tax purposes and may count toward an individual's RMD for the year. Since the IRA distribution is not reportable as income, the individual cannot claim a charitable deduction for the QCD. You must execute the QCD before your RMD is paid out. Any remaining amount of the RMD will then be paid to you in a lump sum or monthly. You or your financial advisor will need to fill out instructions to your IRA Custodian every year for the QCD, instructing the custodian to draft a check payable to All Saints in the amount of your donation, typically an amount that is equal to or less than your RMD for the year, and mail the check directly to All Saints. NOTE: Your year-end tax form from your IRA Custodian (1099-R) will reflect the total amount withdrawn from your IRA and will not distinguish between the amount that is taxable to you for your RMD and how much should be excluded from your gross income for the QCD. Therefore, you should give a copy of the QCD letter or your receipt from All Saints to your tax preparer so the QCD amount will be deducted from the taxable portion of your RMD. Example: Sally’s RMD for 2023 is $30,000. She has pledged to contribute $20,000 to All Saints for 2023 and has not yet made her donation. She instructs her financial advisor of her wishes, and the advisor prepares a letter for Sally’s signature requesting that a $20,000 check from Sally’s IRA be sent to All Saints and the remaining $10,000 paid out to her as a taxable RMD. Sally is able to exclude $20,000 from her taxable income and satisfy her pledge to All Saints. If you have any questions about QCDs, speak with your financial advisor for further explanation. Faithfully submitted, Cynthia Meyers Stewardship Chair
Book Club's Next Meeting set for October 29th: The Bridge of San Luis Rey
The Intermittent Book Club has selected October 29th as its next meeting date. All interested are invited to read The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder. In this novel, set in colonial Peru, a collapsing bridge brings 5 to their deaths. A Franciscan friar watching the disaster attempts to discern between free will and providence as he looks for the connection between them, with a result both surprising and affirming of God's role in our lives. As always, all members of the congregation are invited to read and attend!
All Saints Office Hours:
Tuesday-Thursday: 9 AM - 1 PM
All Saints Prayer List Guidelines
- Names for the list are best submitted in writing or by email, but can also be submitted in person and over the phone
- When a name is placed on the list, a name will remain on the list for two weeks. They will then automatically come off, though they can be renewed. If you want us to continue to pray for someone, please ask us specifically, and we will place them on again for another two weeks.
Please email names to info@allsaintssacramento.org, or leave a note at the office or with the staff.